Installing tsuru clients

tsuru contains three clients: tsuru, tsuru-admin and crane.

This document describes how you can install those clients, using pre-compiled binaries or building them from source.

Using homebrew (Mac OS X only)

Pre-built binaries (Linux and Mac OS X)

Build from source (Linux and Mac OS X)

Using homebrew (Mac OS X only)

If you use Mac OS X and homebrew, you may use a custom tap to install tsuru, crane and tsuru-admin. First you need to add the tap:

$ brew tap globocom/homebrew-tsuru

Now you can install tsuru, tsuru-admin and crane:

$ brew install tsuru
$ brew install tsuru-admin
$ brew install crane

Whenever a new version of any of tsuru’s clients is out, you can just run:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade <formula> # tsuru/tsuru-admin/crane

For more details on taps, check homebrew documentation.

NOTE: Tsuru requires Go 1.1 or higher. Make sure you have the last version of Go installed in your system.

Pre-built binaries (Linux and Mac OS X)

tsuru clients are also distributed in binary version, so you can just download an executable and put them somewhere in your PATH.

It’s important to note that all binaries are platform dependent. Currently, we provide each of them in three flavors:

  1. darwin_amd64: This is Mac OS X, 64 bits. Make sure the command uname -ms prints “Darwin x86_64”, otherwise this binary will not work in your system;
  2. linux_386: This is Linux, 32 bits. Make sure the command uname -ms prints “Linux x86”, otherwise this binary will not work in your system;
  3. linux_amd64: This is Linux, 64 bits. Make sure the command uname -ms prints “Linux x86_64”, otherwise this binary will not work in your system.

Below are the links to the binaries, you can just download, extract the archive and put the binary somewhere in your PATH:




Build from source (Linux and Mac OS X)

Tsuru’s source is written in Go, so before installing tsuru from source, please make sure you have installed and configured Go.

With Go installed and configured, you can use go get to install any of tsuru’s clients:

$ go get
$ go get
$ go get